Welcome, welcome welcome! What an exciting time to begin an unbelievable journey. I am Julianne, but you can also call me Julie, Juls, Julie K, and any variation you see fit. Don't even try with my last name!
Now, to begin at the beginning. Move Smart was a phrase developed by Meg, my teacher, mentor, and friend, and myself, somewhere around 2008 or '09, as I was becoming certified in Eginton Alignment. And let me tell you, it STUCK. It stuck like a fun song you can't stop singing. It stuck like a new summer freckle in the dead of winter. It stuck like an idea I just didn't want to shake loose. So I didn't! I let this phrase inform my decision of where I was heading with my alignment practice, I let it guide me in my choices from phrasing to font colors, and I let it help shape my dream business. Words are powerful!
Now, you may be thinking, "How am I not already moving smart? Am I moving dumb?" To which I say "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" You, in all your glory, you are enough. The phrase "Move Smart", for me, implies being efficient, smooth, purposeful, and thoughtful. It's all the good things people reminded you of when you were growing up: stand tall, lift from your knees, stretch! "Move Smart" has me thinking, before I jump out of bed, to linger just little bit longer in the starfish position, lengthening my arms and legs; it encourages me to take the stairs instead of the escalator; it reminds me to walk around my kitchen when I'm mentally blocked typing at my computer; it eases my shoulder tension, by helping me to acknowledge that tension and rolling it away while I breathe. Move Smart is the little voice suggesting I listen to my body and be gentle, push myself when I can and when it's right, and to use my body when I want to present my true, authentic self.
I'm just hoping that Move Smart will be a few of those things for you, too. So, think on this phrase, and drop me a line. I'm here!